There can be a lot to remember when moving home, but moving doesn't have to be a stressful experience.

We're here to help you every step of the way, and our handy moving checklist will guide you through the moving process.

Click here to download our Moving checklist.

One month before you move

  • Order packing materials (cases, boxes etc.) and arrange a van or removal firm if you're using one
  • Start packing non-essential items
  • Book the days needed off work to move
  • Start getting rid of possessions and furniture you no longer need

Two weeks before you move

  • Arrange for your mail to be redirected
  • Start to use up any food in your freezer
  • Arrange the utilities in your new home – gas, electricity, broadband, telephone. Your tenancy agreement should detail whether you or your landlord are responsible for paying for the gas or electricity
  • If you're planning to have TV and broadband services, check whether you can move your current provider to your new property. Again, don't forget to shop around to be sure you're getting the best deals
  • Let friends and family know about your change of address
  • Sort out care for your children and pets on moving day (if necessary)
  • Arrange your Contents Insurance and Liability Insurance for your new home
  • If you're moving to a city with parking restrictions, apply for your on-street parking permit

One week before you move

  • Thoroughly clean your old home and tidy the garden
  • Let your current council know you're moving, and speak to the new council to arrange payment of Council Tax (if necessary)
  • Change your address with your bank, DVLA, HMRC, TV Licensing, credit cards etc..
  • Defrost your freezer
  • If you're renting, take detailed photos of each room and area, covering any wear and tear you're concerned might cause issues with your deposit
  • Start packing all items - remember to label boxes to make unpacking easier

The day before you move

  • Pack an overnight bag with essentials for the first day in your new home
  • Box up your remaining items. Leave the kettle on top so you can make a cuppa when you arrive in your new kitchen

Moving day

  • Take a note of your final meter readings in your old home
  • Make sure all windows and doors are locked and that you've not left anything behind
  • Collect the keys to your new home
  • If you're renting, inspect the new property and identify any damage or issues you may need to raise with the landlord/agents. Take photos as appropriate
  • Take the meter readings of the new property again. Use your phone to take pictures for you to refer to if necessary
  • Leave a contact address with the occupants or letting agents of your old house in case they want to forward on any post (if you have a redirect, you don't need to do this)

After your move

  • Update the electoral register
  • Update HMRC / Inland Revenue
  • Update your address with the DVLA for both your driving license and your car registration logbook
  • Update your bank
  • Register with a doctor, dentist and optician (if necessary)

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