Industry news for Letting Agents
Will the Renters' Rights Bill reshape the relationship between agents and landlords?
How will the Renters' Rights Bill affect landlords’ expectations of letting agents, and how can agents stay ahead of the competition?5 min read -
The future of affordability assessments
While typical tenant referencing processes assess salary, adverse credit history, employment history and references to determine affordability, this does not actually provide the full picture.2 min read -
Provide in-demand services for your landlords and tenants
Boosting your income as a letting agent isn’t about driving up rents and management charges. Instead, you can offer plenty of income-boosting additions that increase revenue for you and, more importantly, are already in-demand services for your landlords and tenants.2 min read -
Revolutionising tenant referencing
HomeLet, the UK's largest tenant referencing and specialist lettings insurance company, proudly announces the launch of VISTA, a ground-breaking tenant referencing service designed to provide true, accurate affordability assessment of applicants, and mitigate fraud risk.3 min read -
Document Forgery In Rental Applications
While technology makes it easier for fraudulent tenants to forge documents it can also help to catch them3 min read -
VISTA set to revolutionise the UK letting agency industry
We’re excited to announce that we will soon be launching ‘VISTA’ – an innovative, fast, and accurate tenant referencing service that eliminates fraud by using leading fraud detection technology and providing a true affordability assessment of applicants.2 min read -
HomeLet take the lead in protecting agents and landlords from advanced tenancy fraud
Tenancy fraud is on the rise. We are currently identifying 150 cases of fraud every day, up from 110 a day in 2021 – representing a 36% increase in just over a year.6 min read -
Renting to Generation Z
Understanding the needs of your tenants has always differed by generation. However, with Generation Z being the next wave of tenants to emerge, it’s more essential than ever to understand their very unique and particular needs if you want to maximise the opportunities they present.2 min read -
The impact of fraud on agents
HomeLet outlines the risks of tenancy fraud for agents and looks at how to manage the risks to protect the agency’s reputation and finances2 min read