Boost your income

Boosting your income as a letting agent isn’t about driving up rents and management charges. Instead, you can offer plenty of income-boosting additions that increase revenue for you and, more importantly, are already in-demand services for your landlords and tenants.


Being seen as the one-stop shop for the extra services they might need when letting or renting will save your tenants and landlords the hassle of looking elsewhere. That makes it more convenient for them, allowing them to get on with the process of moving. As well as the gratitude and customer loyalty that such services will generate, they will also earn you valuable commission that will boost your bottom line. 

Removal services

Moving possession from one property to another is one of the biggest headaches that movers face. They want a good quality, respected removal service they can trust with their belongings and handle their move with care and diligence. But they will be looking for value too. Offering a reasonably priced removal service as an add-on to your business with your personal recommendation behind it should help remove a little of the moving stress and allow them to get settled faster.

Broadband and TV bundles

Once they are ready to settle onto the sofa in their new home and relax, tenants will be wanting to ensure they have good-quality broadband connections and TV bundles to sit back and enjoy. And if you can help them save money and time on this to-do item on your list as well, then it’s another loyalty tick and another boost to your revenue. 

Energy switching

Incumbent suppliers will be operating at the properties you are letting, but the deals they offer may not be right for the new tenants. Energy switching services can help them find the best deal for them and their particular needs. 

Insurance packages

In addition to providing services to enhance and streamline the moving experience, HomeLet also provides Landlord and Tenant Insurance packages to provide your customers with the ultimate protection.

Ensure your customers have all the essential services and cover they need while you earn fantastic commission! Find out more