Making the decision to move out of your rented property and into another is one that requires significant thought.

There's so much to consider, from finding a new home in a suitable location to working out your priorities regarding garden space, number of bathrooms and other amenities.

And that's all without mentioning your need to weigh up the financial side of such a move, and a massive factor in that is your successful retrieval of the security deposit put down on the previous property. Statista revealed that in the last 10 years, the number of households occupied by private renters has increased by 16%.

So many tenants rely on receiving their deposit back in full, so we've put together this handy guide to provide advice on the common reasons for deposit deductions and, more importantly, what you can do to improve your chances of receiving your money back in full.

Why might you lose your deposit?

Landlords are most likely to withhold all or part of your deposit when they feel the property needs work to restore it to its state when you started your tenancy. Most frequently, they will make deductions if cleaning is required – whether to the floors, walls, kitchens or bathrooms.

Alternatively, you could be charged for any damages to furniture, fixtures or fittings. Also, if the landlord feels some redecoration is required, above and beyond what may be considered "wear & tear", they may also withhold part of your deposit. Other factors that may affect the return of your deposit are any missing items, outstanding rent, or bill payments, so how can you ensure this fate does not befall you? Our top tips can provide the answer. 

The deep clean

One of the most common reasons landlords deduct from deposits is to clean the property. The easiest way to mitigate this issue is to review the property thoroughly before leaving.

As it's so subjective, it's best to do too much rather than not enough! A deep, exhaustive clean will help avoid disagreements with your landlord or letting agent and increase your chances of receiving a positive reference to take forward to your next property.

If possible, don't leave your cleaning until the day you move out! Begin the preparation well in advance, perhaps by making a list of those areas that need the most attention. Unfortunately, these tend to be used more frequently, such as kitchens and bathrooms, so you may have to accept that these rooms will need tackling last. But you can make a start on less-visited rooms such as the spare bedroom or cupboard under the stairs.

Be careful not to focus solely on cleaning the property's interior. If your home has a garden, make sure you leave that as you found it – perhaps with a mown lawn, tidy flower beds and a swept patio. And, if you've kept pets, make sure you clean up after them.

Take precautions

Moving into a new home is incredibly exciting, and we understand that sometimes the last thing on your mind when you first get the keys is to take a good look around and make a checklist of any damaged or dirty areas. But it will be more than worthwhile in the long run, especially when trying to get your deposit back.

In England, agents and landlords can no longer charge for an inventory under the Tenant Fees Act. It's essential to make sure you and your landlord or letting agent agree on any pre-existing damages in writing, so you can be confident you won't be responsible for any damage from before you moved to the property

An inventory is just one of the essential tasks to help you retrieve your full deposit at the end of your tenancy. Here are a few others:

When you first move in, it's worth making your way through the home and taking photographs and adding these to the inventory so you have an accurate record of the state of the property when you arrived. That way, when you move out, you'll have irrefutable evidence to show your landlord, and you can resolve any disputes quickly.

We all want to make the home feel like our own space, even if it is a rental, but be careful before making any changes to your property. Read your lease carefully and work out your landlord's policy when it comes to alterations – some will allow you to go as far as redecorating, while others will want you to maintain the status quo.

Tenancy Liability Insurance was designed to cover accidental damage to your landlord's items throughout a tenancy – which can protect tenants against deposit deductions. By taking out Tenancy Liability Insurance, you'll be covered for accidentally damaging your landlord's furniture, fixtures and fittings. Without this insurance, you will have to pay for the cost of any repair work from your own funds, or it likely would come out of your deposit when you leave.

Taking out Tenants Content Insurance can also be hugely beneficial for your belongings. Your landlord is not responsible for any damage to your personal property. Forking out to get anything fixed could affect your ability to put down a deposit the next time you decide to move.

Communication is key

The crucial concept underpinning these points is maintaining an open and honest relationship with your landlord or letting agent.

So, whether it be your wish to make changes, alerting them to faulty appliances or discussing the terms of your agreement, it’s crucial to remain in communication and have a good working relationship with your agent or landlord. That way, you both know where you stand and can find a solution swiftly and simply.

Most good landlords want to know if there's a problem so they can fix it immediately. Allowing an issue to continue without reporting it, i.e. a leaky sink, may result in more damage in the long run and more expense to put it right, so be sure to notify as soon as an issue occurs.


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