Ahead of National Dog Day in the UK, we've conducted a review of our dog-related insurance claims.

The analysis reveals damage to electronics, furniture, and home fixtures is commonplace with incidents such as cracked TV screens and chewed carpets resulting in claims on HomeLet Tenant insurance policies amounting to thousands of pounds annually.

Electronics bear the brunt 

Over 40% of claims involved damage to TVs, laptops, phones, and other electronics. In one instance, a dog knocked over a TV while chasing a cat, leading to a claim of over £500. In another, a puppy sent a laptop crashing into a pool, resulting in a claim of just under £300. Whilst one of the most expensive incidents involved an enthusiastic dog flicking a chew bone into a TV screen, causing £2,600 in damage.

Furniture and fittings

Nearly 25% of claims were related to damage to carpets, floors, doors, and furniture. One particularly costly claim involved a dog urinating on a carpet, leading to a £1,100 payout for replacement and cleaning. Another claim saw a dog tearing up a lino kitchen floor, resulting in a £500 bill, whilst another hound chewed through the bottom of an integrated wine cooler. Owners throwing toys for their dogs causes a lot of damage too. In one instance a child throwing a rubber dog ball damaged the front of a cooker appliance, costing over £450 to repair, and in another an adult cracked a windowpane.

Spills and stains

Dogs are often the culprits behind spills and stains too, leading to significant damage. One incident involved a dog knocking a tin of paint down the staircase resulting in just over £500 damage. In another incident, a dog chewed up a multi-coloured biro, causing ink to damage a carpet an incident that led to a £390 claim. Whilst a dog owner ended up with a soaked laptop after knocking their glass over whilst trying to show off their pet on a Zoom call resulting in nearly £900 in damages.

Personal items

There are also several claims related to damaged personal items such as hearing aids being swallowed whole and glasses being chewed into pieces. Whilst one dog owner faced more than £430 bill after their pet knocked over a prized carbon road bike, cracking the frame.

Injuries and medical incidents

Though rarer, there were also instances where dogs have led to hospital visits. For example, one incident where a dog knocked its owner down, resulting in a trip to the hospital.

On the findings, Francesca Marchesi, Head of Business to Consumer Sales, said:

"As much as we love our furry friends, it's clear they have a talent for turning our homes into obstacle courses and our electronics into chew toys.

"These mishaps are more common than we might like to admit. Luckily for our customers, especially those where the claims have been in the hundreds and thousands of pounds, they had the right insurance cover in place. However, for most households this isn’t the case.

"At HomeLet, we understand that our pets' unpredictable antics can come with a price tag—but with the right insurance, we’re here to help ensure that those accidental paw prints on your wallet don’t leave a lasting mark. After all, we want you to spend more time cuddling your pup than worrying about your TV screen"

She added, “While we love our pets dearly, these incidents are a reminder of the financial impact their antics can have. To help avoid similar mishaps, here are some practical tips for pet owners:

  • Ensure that TVs, laptops, and other fragile items are securely placed or mounted out of reach from curious pets.
  • Consider investing in pet-proof covers for furniture and carpets to minimise damage.
  • Always keep an eye on your pet during playtime, especially when they’re near valuable or fragile items.
  • Basic training can help reduce the likelihood of destructive behaviour, saving you money and stress in the long run.
  • Don’t let insurance cover be a ‘in hindsight thought’.”



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