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Right now we're seeing a huge increase in fraudsters taking advantage of landlords and agents across the UK.

- Fraudsters are capitalising on the PRS and damaging the reputations of agents

- Landlords are suffering from criminal activity costing them thousands of pounds

- Sub-letting is rife leading to hundreds of thousands of pounds in costs to both landlords and agents.

Some seriously concerning trends are appearing and they need to be shared, discussed and recognised to protect our industry.

As demand for property soars and rental prices rise, tenancy fraud is becoming more profitable and many more chancers want to get in on the act. They’ll use any opportunity, and we’re seeing increasingly sophisticated methods used to obtain access to properties to support criminal activity or sublet illegally.

In this webinar you will learn

  • Top tips on how to avoid fraudsters
  • Actual case studies and real-life examples of fraudulent applications 
  • How to spot the signs and action you must take now 

HomeLet presenters

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