South West
The average rental value for new tenancies in South West is £1,146 a month. Rents in South West have decreased by -1.6% compared to last year.
£1,146 +0.8%
Average South West rent
Change annual
Change monthly
Average rents South West index for the last 12 months
The graph below shows the average rental value in the South West against the UK average. Below the graph, you can select the time period you want to be displayed and compare the historical average rental value in the South West against any other region in the UK.
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Average rental value for new tenancies in the South West
The graph below shows the average rental value in the South West against the UK average. Below the graph, you can select the time period you want to be displayed and compare the historical average rental value in South West against any other region in the UK.
Regional Average
Delving deeper into the data we are able to provide tenant demographic and market profiling at a local level.
Shows regional average
Shows UK average
Gross Income*
Age Group
Income spent on Rent
Rental Band