February 2025

HomeLet Rental Index

For February 2025, the data shows that the average rental price for a new tenancy in the UK was £1,275.

This icon shows a pound sign alongside an abstract icon of a building in grey.

£1,275 +0.3%

Average UK rent

This icon shows a pound sign alongside an abstract icon of a building in grey.


Change monthly

This icon shows a pound sign alongside an abstract icon of a building in grey with plus and minus symbols alongside it as well as a 12.


Change annual

Average monthly UK rent back on the rise

The average rent price in the UK for February 2025 is £1,275.

Excluding London, the UK average is now £1,100.

The monthly increase in January was 0.3%.

All but two regions have seen rent prices increase since last month.

Average UK rent
£1,275 +0.3%

The average rent in the UK is now at £1,275, up 0.3% since January. This figure is just 3.5% more expensive than in February 2024.

Average UK rent (excluding London)
£1,100 PCM +0.5%

Excluding London, the average UK rent price has increased in the past month, up 0.5% to £1,100 PCM. This is 3.5% higher than February 2024.

London's average monthly price
£2,026 PCM +0.0%

Average rents in the capital have remained consistent since January with just a £1 change. London rents are now 2.1% cheaper than they were a year ago.

Cheapest rent
£673 PCM +1.2%

The cheapest region in England, the North East, is now just 1.2% more expensive than it was a year ago after rising by 1.2% since January.

Average rent in Yorkshire 
£889 PCM +0.0%

Rents in Yorkshire and Humberside have remained the same as in January. They're now 4.3% higher than this time last year.

Monthly decrease

Wales is the only region where rents were cheaper in February than they were in January. The average rent in February was £869, 0.7% lower than in January, but 2.5% higher than in February 2024.

The largest and most reliable source of average rental index data in the UK

The Rental Index data is qualified through high-quality tenant referencing, carried out on behalf of over 4,500 UK letting agents. As a group we reference over 1m tenants a year, enabling reporting on newly agreed tenancy applications, with historic data for over 13m tenancy applications.

Rental figures from the February 2025 HomeLet Rental Index

The table below provides a regional breakdown of the latest average rental values in the UK.

RegionFeb 25Jan 25Feb 24Monthly VarAnnual Var£+ PCM
Average Excl London£1,100£1,095£1,2620.5%3.5%£5
East Midlands£891£880£8861.2%0.6%£11
East of England£1,287£1,277£1,2150.8%5.9%£10
North East£673£665£6651.2%1.2%£8
North West£1,062£1,062£1,0080.0%5.4%£0
Northern Ireland£897£890£8320.8%7.8%£7
South East£1,408£1,404£1,3430.3%4.8%£4
South West£1,146£1,137£1,1650.8%-1.6%£9
West Midlands£1,021£1,020£9510.1%7.4%£1
Yorkshire and Humberside£889£889£8520.0%4.3%£0

Regional data

You can use our interactive graphs to view the change in rental values over the past two years for each of the reported regions of the UK.

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The HomeLet Market Survey

In November 2022, HomeLet published our Market Survey, in which over 14,000 tenants and landlords provided their views and concerns for the future of the private rented sector (PRS).

As one of the most informative surveys to come out of the industry in recent years, it offers letting agents valuable data and insights which will be extremely useful when planning for the future. Agents need to know the profile and intentions of their customers to be able to advise them, offer the required services and support, and market properties well.

As featured in


The HomeLet Rental Index incorporates a methodology designed in conjunction with a professor at the London School of Economics. The methodology factors in important elements, such as property type and geography, to create mix adjusted averages. This makes Britain’s most comprehensive rental market benchmark even more insightful. The methodology has been applied retrospectively to our historical rental market data to ensure that the Rental Index can continue to be used to provide analysis of trends in the private rental sector.

The index and average prices are produced using HomeLet’s mix adjusted rental index methodology. This helps to track the representative rental values over time, which factor in changes in the mix of property types and locations of rented properties.

Data is gathered from our tenant referencing service, and our rental amounts are based on actual achieved rental prices with accurate tenancy start dates in a reported month, rather than advertised costs. The data used in the HomeLet Rental Index is aggregated to regional, county and city level only. This ensures that all property or individual records remain strictly anonymous.

The HomeLet Rental Index is prepared from information that we consider is collated with careful attention, but we do not make any statement as to its accuracy or completeness. We reserve the right to vary our methodology and to edit or discontinue this report. The HomeLet Rental Index may not be used for commercial purposes; we shall not be liable for any decisions made or action taken in reliance upon the published data.

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